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Gen Kukita Supporting Cesium Japan

We're happy to announce that we will be working in association with Gen Kukita, who will be based in Tokyo, Japan, to support the Cesium developer community in Japan.

Gen Kukita

Gen Kukita.

Cesium has deep ties with Japan. Our work with Komatsu and EARTHBRAIN has brought a digital transformation to the construction industry. Smart Construction offers daily insights into progress on a worksite, including a high precision 3D visualization of current conditions, analytics such as cut and fill measurements, and the ability to review progress over time toward the planned model. 

Over the years, the Cesium community in Japan has contributed in the form of open source integrations, enterprise projects, government portals, and more. For example, Cesium has been used by Professor Hidenori Watanave, of Tokyo University, whose work in archiving historical events and current humanitarian crises has received media attention from around the world, including by Yomiuri Newspaper

Cesium will continue to improve how we serve our commercial partners in Japan, both existing and new. At the same time, Kukita San will advance our core mission of empowering software developers to build 3D geospatial experiences by building up the developer community. He will leverage his deep connections to the tech community in Japan to support the Cesium Certified Developer Program, Cesium Ecosystem Grants, and other community-building efforts. 

A group of students looking at a city map on large Liquid Galaxy screens

Hidenori Watanave and Gen Kukita with the Rebirth and Inheritance project. Image courtesy Hidenori Watanave.

Kukita San previously worked at Microsoft on B2B and digital marketing for numerous industries. He also recently worked at Tokyo University on the Rebirth and Inheritance project, preserving the memories of those who had first hand experience at Hiroshima and sharing it in Minecraft and Cesium on Liquid Galaxy. 

To find out about Cesium opportunities in Japan, contact Kukita San.

Cesium Japan 新メンバー 久木田 弦

メンター: Anatolii

Cesiumは、この度、日本におけるデベロッパーコミュニティー作りを担当する新メンバー、久木田 弦をチームに迎え入れました。

Gen Kukita

Gen Kukita, joining Cesium Japan.


Cesiumはそれまでも長年にわたり、オープンソースの統合、企業によるプロジェクト、政府ポータルなどの形で日本のコミュニティに愛されてきました。例えば、東京大学の 渡邊英徳教授は、Cesiumを活用し、歴史的な出来事や現在の人道危機をアーカイブすることで、読売新聞を含む世界中のメディアの注目を集めています。


A group of students looking at a city map on large Liquid Galaxy screens

渡邊英徳教授と久木田 弦氏「再生と継承」プロジェクト。画像提供:Hidenori Watanave.

久木田さんは、前職ではマイクロソフト社にてB2Bやデジタルマーケティングに携わっていました。また、最近は東京大学で ICTを活用した記憶の再生と継承を試みる活動に参画し、広島の原爆についての大切な記録を、マインクラフトやCesiumを用いたLiquid Galaxyを介して、新しい共有の仕方を考えるプロジェクトに協力しています。

日本でのCesiumに関するお問い合わせ先:[久木田 弦]