Gabby Getz
(She/Her)3D Graphics
Gabby works on open source development as a CesiumJS committer. She wrote the initial styling language for 3D Tiles and was a contributing editor to the spec. She works closely with Cesium users and the 3D, geospatial, and open source communities. Gabby was the 2019 recipient of the Spar3D Younger Geospatial Professional of the Year award, served on the Program Committee for FOSS4G NA 2018, gives talks about Cesium and open source, and continues to promote women in STEM through high school and middle school programs.
Gabby first joined the Cesium team as a co-op in college, where she earned a BS in Computer Science from Drexel University with a minor in Digital Media. While at Drexel, she co-created an indie game studio to release a mobile game.
In her spare time, Gabby paints, plays overly-complicated board games, and watches horror movies.