Brad Shilling
Brad helps make Cesium a fantastic place to work by planning social events, hackathons, and company-wide meetings; coordinating daily team lunches; stocking our snack room; and keeping the team organized.
Before joining Cesium Brad was the Community Manager at The Yard: Space to Work, the coworking facility that served as Cesium’s first physical office space. While there he came to enjoy all aspects of smoothly running a physical office space and planning events, and he also got to know the Cesium team well. His efforts will help facilitate Cesium’s collaborative culture.
Brad graduated from Rowan University with a bachelors in Health Promotion and Fitness Management. While no longer working in the fitness industry, he still enjoys weightlifting and sports. When he’s not at work, you’ll typically find Brad either playing with his dogs Alvin and Linus, working out in his converted garage home gym, or playing soccer for Oaklyn United FC, a semi pro team that plays in the Eastern Premier League.