63 : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary {
76 Category =
89 Category =
102 Category = "Cesium|Metadata|PropertyTexture")
115 Category = "Cesium|Metadata|PropertyTexture")
116 static const TArray<FString>
130 Category = "Cesium|Metadata|PropertyTexture")
133 const FString& PropertyName);
153 Category = "Cesium|Metadata|PropertyTexture")
156 const FVector2D& UV);
174 Category = "Cesium|Metadata|PropertyTexture")
177 const FHitResult& Hit);
@ ErrorInvalidPropertyTexture
@ ErrorInvalidPropertyTextureClass
static const ECesiumPropertyTextureStatus GetPropertyTextureStatus(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture)
Gets the status of the property texture.
static TMap< FString, FCesiumMetadataValue > GetMetadataValuesFromHit(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture, const FHitResult &Hit)
Given a trace hit result, gets all of the property values from property texture on the hit component,...
static const FString & GetPropertyTextureName(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture)
Gets the name of the property texture.
static const FCesiumPropertyTextureProperty & FindProperty(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture, const FString &PropertyName)
Retrieve a FCesiumPropertyTextureProperty by name.
static const TMap< FString, FCesiumPropertyTextureProperty > GetProperties(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture)
Gets all the properties of the property texture, mapped by property name.
static TMap< FString, FCesiumMetadataValue > GetMetadataValuesForUV(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture, const FVector2D &UV)
Gets all of the property values at the given texture coordinates, mapped by property name.
static const TArray< FString > GetPropertyNames(UPARAM(ref) const FCesiumPropertyTexture &PropertyTexture)
Gets the names of the properties in this property texture.
A blueprint-accessible wrapper for a property texture property from a glTF.
A blueprint-accessible wrapper of a property texture from a glTF.
FString getClassName() const
Gets the name of the metadata class that this property table conforms to.
FCesiumPropertyTexture(const CesiumGltf::Model &model, const CesiumGltf::PropertyTexture &PropertyTexture)