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Cesium Releases in February 2022

CesiumJS 1.90 Release 

CesiumJS 1.90 is now available. This release includes a number of PRs improving 3D Tiles  support in ModelExperimental and allowing better feature picking and use in custom shaders. There were also many bug fixes and documentation improvements in this release. Highlights of the release include: 

  • Feature IDs for styling and picking in ModelExperimental can now be selected via (tileset|model).featureIdIndex and (tileset|model).instanceFeatureIdIndex.
  • Added support for all types of feature IDs in CustomShader.
  • Improved documentation for custom shaders.
  • Added getters Cesium3DTileFeature.featureId and ModelFeature.featureId so the feature ID or batch ID can be accessed from a picked feature.
  • Added I3dmLoader to transcode .i3dm to ModelExperimental.
  • Added PntsLoader to transcode .pnts to ModelExperimental.
  • Added point cloud attenuation support to ModelExperimental.

A photogrammetry 3D tileset of the San Francisco Ferry building in CesiumJS, with windows styled with transparency using custom shaders. Data courtesy of Aerometrex.

See the changelog for a full list of updates and links to the discussion & code on each one. You can also subscribe to the Cesium roundup release thread on the community forum to get notifications about our monthly releases.

A photogrammetry 3D tileset of the San Francisco Ferry building in CesiumJS styled by feature type. Data courtesy of Aerometrex.

Cesium for Unreal 1.10.0 Release

Cesium for Unreal and Cesium Native are now updated. Highlights include:

  • Improved the Cesium ion token management:
    • Added project-level tokens. Instead of automatically creating a Cesium ion token for each project, Cesium for Unreal now prompts you to select or create a token the first time one is needed.
    • Added a Cesium ion Token Troubleshooting panel that appears when there is a problem connecting to Cesium ion tilesets.
  • Added Cesium Cartographic Polygon to the Cesium Quick Add panel.
  • Improved the organization of CesiumSunSky and CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent parameters in the Details Panel.
  • Added new FCesiumCamera and ACesiumCameraManager to register and update custom camera views into Cesium tilesets.

Check the Cesium for Unreal changelog and the Cesium Native 0.12.0 changelog for a full list of updates.

Powered by Cesium

This month we saw some really beautiful work with Cesium for Unreal for creating a fully CGI wide angle landscape shot with an off-road car. While images like this, often used in marketing and advertising, are typically created with a simple computer model or edited photograph, this image uses the global datasets available through Cesium ion to create a scene at Yosemite modeled entirely in Unreal Engine. 

Car at El Capitan in Cesium for Unreal