Aerometrex and 3D Tiles
AEROmetrex is an Australian company that specializes in collecting and distributing geospatial data, including high quality large-area photogrammetry. In November of 2016, they received a Bentley “Be Inspired” Special Recognition Award for their part in creating a 3D model of the Independence Mall in Philadelphia. This model was used to plan security procedures for Pope Francis’s visit in 2015 and also made an appearance in our drone racing game.
More recently, we have worked with AEROmetrex to tile a similarly impressive model of Melbourne, Australia with our upcoming 3D Tiles photogrammetry tiling pipeline in Cesium Composer.
The model was generated from 10 centimeter resolution data and covers an area of about 150 square kilometers.
As a 3D model from Bentley’s ContextCapture, this works out to about 131 million triangles and a little over 18.5 gigapixels of texture data. With that much data now interactively streamable, it’s been kind of fun zooming around the city to see what we can find:
Also, loading a large datasets like this on mobile devices results in pleasantly surprising performance:
As with all of the other datasets we’ve written about, this model was an enormous help in guiding our ongoing work. We can’t wait to release our massive models pipeline as part of Cesium Composer. In the meantime, as always, feel free to email me at or tweet to @CesiumJS if you have massive photogrammetry models that you would like us to tile.