PHAROS: A MATLAB-based Radar Analysis and Visualization Tool
Riverside Research has developed the Performance, Health, and Analysis of Radar Operations Suite (PHAROS) to support currently-fielded data collection radars. PHAROS provides radar engineers, data analysts, and system maintainers with tools to evaluate and quantify radar performance and mission success. In addition, it helps identify and troubleshoot system anomalies and data artifacts. PHAROS uses Cesium to visualize radar track data, radar field of view/coverage, and threat trajectories to provide insights into radar mission analysis, mission playback, and sensor architecture laydowns.

PHAROS is a MATLAB-based tool suite that extracts recorded mission data from the various radar sensors Riverside Research supports and transforms the data into a common format usable by a set of comprehensive analysis tools. Access to the tool suite and radar mission data is provided through an intuitive graphical user interface, and with the integration of Cesium the user is able to visualize dynamic radar mission performance in 3D. PHAROS is unique in that it provides an interface between MATLAB and Cesium, a new, useful visualization capability.
In addition to radar mission analysis capabilities, PHAROS allows for dynamic threat trajectory and radar coverage drawing, as well as the ability to record mission playback data. The PHAROS MATLAB interface allows users to develop additional visualization and analysis tools, which are fed into Cesium for 3D visualization.
Designed under the Riverside Research Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Program with CMMI level 3 compliance objectives, PHAROS is easily extensible to future sensors and is now employed by current staff for addressing some of the most challenging technical issues facing currently fielded sensors.
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