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A wireframe view of a portion of Melbourne. Notice the variation in triangle size and density: The buildings (upper left) have small and densely packed triangles, while the triangles that make up the river (lower right) are much larger.

Reality Tiler V2 Improves Tiling Time and Memory Usage

In November 2023, we announced the Reality Tiler that replaced our then-current photogrammetry tiler as part of the 3D Tiling Pipelines included in Cesium ion and Self-Hosted products. We built the Reality Tiler with emphasis on scalability, tiling performance, and runtime efficiency. Today, we’re digging into Reality Tiler v2, released in July 2024. We’ll cover the complete refactor of the Reality Tiler, where we rebuilt the tiling pipeline from the ground up, bringing significant improvements to tiling time, tileset quality, and runtime performance. We’ll take a close look at memory and runtime performance metrics and end with next steps for further improvements and optimizations.