Explore the Geology of Dorset with the 3D Geology of Dorset Map
The Dorset Geologists’ Association Group is a non-profit, voluntary organization promoting the geology of Dorset and the surrounding region for all. The county of Dorset, in southwest England, has long been a cradle for the geological sciences. The 95 miles of the Dorset and East Devon coast provide an almost unbroken sequence of the Mesozoic Era (250 to 65 million years ago) and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Geology of Dorset map, built on the Cesium ion platform and using CesiumJS for visualization, fuses Digital Elevation Model over Europe (EU-DEM) and Environment Agency LiDAR data with Cesium World Terrain.
Map layers and features are collated from a number of authoritative web services and data sources, including the British Geological Survey, Historic England, Natural England, National Library of Scotland, and the Dorset Environmental Records Centre. Positional information is displayed as British National Grid references as well as latitude and longitude coordinates. Coordinate transformations use Proj4js.