3#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/ITileExcluder.h>
4#include <Cesium3DTilesSelection/Library.h>
5#include <CesiumUtility/IntrusivePointer.h>
8class RasterizedPolygonsOverlay;
An interface that allows tiles to be excluded from loading and rendering when provided in TilesetOpti...
When provided to TilesetOptions::excluders, uses the polygons owned by a CesiumRasterOverlays::Raster...
const CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterizedPolygonsOverlay & getOverlay() const
Gets the overlay defining the polygons.
virtual bool shouldExclude(const Tile &tile) const noexcept override
Determines whether a given tile is entirely inside a polygon and therefore should be excluded.
RasterizedPolygonsTileExcluder(const CesiumUtility::IntrusivePointer< const CesiumRasterOverlays::RasterizedPolygonsOverlay > &pOverlay) noexcept
Constructs a new instance.
A raster overlay made from rasterizing a set of CartographicPolygon objects. The resulting overlay is...
A smart pointer that calls addReference and releaseReference on the controlled object.
Classes that implement the 3D Tiles standard.
Classes for raster overlays, which allow draping massive 2D textures over a model.