


An optionally time-dynamic label.




Gets or sets the Cartesian3 Property specifying the label's eye offset.


Gets or sets the Color Property specifying the the label's fill color.


Gets or sets the string Property specifying the the label's font.


Gets or sets the HorizontalOrigin Property specifying the label's horizontal origin.


Gets or sets the Color Property specifying the the label's outline color.


Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the the label outline's width.


Gets or sets the Cartesian2 Property specifying the label's pixel offset.


Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the label's scale.


Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the label's visibility.


Gets or sets the LabelStyle Property specifying the the label's style.


Gets or sets the string Property specifying the the label's text.


Gets or sets the VerticalOrigin Property specifying the label's vertical origin.



Given two DynamicObjects, takes the label properties from the second and assigns them to the first, assuming such a property did not already exist.

Name Type Description
targetObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject which will have properties merged onto it.
objectToMerge DynamicObject The DynamicObject containing properties to be merged.


Given a DynamicObject, undefines the label associated with it.

Name Type Description
dynamicObject DynamicObject The DynamicObject to remove the label from.