5#include <CesiumGltf/FeatureId.h>
6#include <CesiumGltfReader/Library.h>
7#include <CesiumJsonReader/JsonReader.h>
8#include <CesiumJsonReader/JsonReaderOptions.h>
10#include <rapidjson/fwd.h>
Reads FeatureId instances from JSON.
Constructs a new instance.
CesiumJsonReader::ReadJsonResult< std::vector< CesiumGltf::FeatureId > > readArrayFromJson(const rapidjson::Value &value) const
Reads an array of instances of FeatureId from a rapidJson::Value.
CesiumJsonReader::ReadJsonResult< CesiumGltf::FeatureId > readFromJson(const std::span< const std::byte > &data) const
Reads an instance of FeatureId from a byte buffer.
CesiumJsonReader::JsonReaderOptions & getOptions()
Gets the options controlling how the JSON is read.
const CesiumJsonReader::JsonReaderOptions & getOptions() const
Gets the options controlling how the JSON is read.
CesiumJsonReader::ReadJsonResult< CesiumGltf::FeatureId > readFromJson(const rapidjson::Value &value) const
Reads an instance of FeatureId from a rapidJson::Value.
Holds options for reading statically-typed data structures from JSON.
Classes for reading glTF models.
Classes for working with glTF models.
The result of JsonReader::readJson.