5#include <CesiumUtility/Math.h>
22 double longitudeRadians,
23 double latitudeRadians,
24 double heightMeters = 0.0) noexcept
25 : longitude(longitudeRadians),
26 latitude(latitudeRadians),
27 height(heightMeters) {}
40 double longitudeDegrees,
41 double latitudeDegrees,
42 double heightMeters = 0.0) noexcept {
53 return this->longitude == rhs.longitude && this->latitude == rhs.latitude &&
54 this->height == rhs.height;
A position defined by longitude, latitude, and height.
double height
The height, in meters.
static constexpr Cartographic fromDegrees(double longitudeDegrees, double latitudeDegrees, double heightMeters=0.0) noexcept
Creates a new instance from a longitude and latitude specified in degrees, and a height given in mete...
double longitude
The longitude, in radians.
constexpr bool operator==(const Cartographic &rhs) const noexcept
Returns true if two cartographics are equal.
constexpr Cartographic(double longitudeRadians, double latitudeRadians, double heightMeters=0.0) noexcept
Creates a new instance.
double latitude
The latitude, in radians.
static constexpr double degreesToRadians(double angleDegrees) noexcept
Converts degrees to radians.
Classes for geospatial computations in Cesium.