Defines functions for 4th order polynomial functions of one variable with only real coefficients.
staticQuarticRealPolynomial.discriminant(a, b, c, d, e) → Number
Provides the discriminant of the quartic equation from the supplied coefficients.
Name Type Description a
Number The coefficient of the 4th order monomial. b
Number The coefficient of the 3rd order monomial. c
Number The coefficient of the 2nd order monomial. d
Number The coefficient of the 1st order monomial. e
Number The coefficient of the 0th order monomial. Returns:
The value of the discriminant. -
staticQuarticRealPolynomial.realRoots(a, b, c, d, e) → Array.<Number>
Provides the real valued roots of the quartic polynomial with the provided coefficients.
Name Type Description a
Number The coefficient of the 4th order monomial. b
Number The coefficient of the 3rd order monomial. c
Number The coefficient of the 2nd order monomial. d
Number The coefficient of the 1st order monomial. e
Number The coefficient of the 0th order monomial. Returns:
The real valued roots.