new Ellipsoid(x, y, z)
A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates by the equation
(x / a)^2 + (y / b)^2 + (z / c)^2 = 1
. Primarily used
by Cesium to represent the shape of planetary bodies.
Rather than constructing this object directly, one of the provided
constants is normally used.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
x |
Number |
optional The radius in the x direction. |
y |
Number |
optional The radius in the y direction. |
z |
Number |
optional The radius in the z direction. |
DeveloperError : All radii components must be greater than or equal to zero.
staticconstantEllipsoid.MOON :Ellipsoid
An Ellipsoid instance initialized to a sphere with the lunar radius.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 221
staticconstantEllipsoid.UNIT_SPHERE :Ellipsoid
An Ellipsoid instance initialized to radii of (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 213
staticconstantEllipsoid.WGS84 :Ellipsoid
An Ellipsoid instance initialized to the WGS84 standard.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 205
maximumRadius :Number
Gets the maximum radius of the ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 144
minimumRadius :Number
Gets the minimum radius of the ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 134
oneOverRadii :Cartesian3
Gets one over the radii of the ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 114
oneOverRadiiSquared :Cartesian3
Gets one over the squared radii of the ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 124
radii :Cartesian3
Gets the radii of the ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 84
radiiSquared :Cartesian3
Gets the squared radii of the ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 94
radiiToTheFourth :Cartesian3
Gets the radii of the ellipsoid raise to the fourth power.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 104
staticEllipsoid.clone(ellipsoid, result) → Ellipsoid
Duplicates an Ellipsoid instance.
Name Type Description ellipsoid
Ellipsoid The ellipsoid to duplicate. result
Ellipsoid optional The object onto which to store the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created. Returns:
The cloned Ellipsoid. (Returns undefined if ellipsoid is undefined)Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 159 -
staticEllipsoid.fromCartesian3(radii) → Ellipsoid
Computes an Ellipsoid from a Cartesian specifying the radii in x, y, and z directions.
Name Type Default Description radii
Cartesian3 Cartesian3.ZERO
optional The ellipsoid's radius in the x, y, and z directions. Returns:
A new Ellipsoid instance.Throws:
DeveloperError : All radii components must be greater than or equal to zero.
cartesianArrayToCartographicArray(cartesians, result) → Array.<Cartographic>
Converts the provided array of cartesians to an array of cartographics.
Name Type Description cartesians
Array.<Cartesian3> An array of Cartesian positions. result
Array.<Cartographic> optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Array instance if none was provided.Example:
//Create an array of Cartesians and determine their Cartographic representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid. var positions = [new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.12, 83234.52, 952313.73), new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.13, 83234.53, 952313.73), new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.14, 83234.54, 952313.73)] var cartographicPositions = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianArrayToCartographicArray(positions);
Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 409 -
cartesianToCartographic(cartesian, result) → Cartographic
Converts the provided cartesian to cartographic representation. The cartesian is undefined at the center of the ellipsoid.
Name Type Description cartesian
Cartesian3 The Cartesian position to convert to cartographic representation. result
Cartographic optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter, new Cartographic instance if none was provided, or undefined if the cartesian is at the center of the ellipsoid.Example:
//Create a Cartesian and determine it's Cartographic representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid. var position = new Cesium.Cartesian(17832.12, 83234.52, 952313.73); var cartographicPosition = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(position);
Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 371 -
cartographicArrayToCartesianArray(cartographics, result) → Array.<Cartesian3>
Converts the provided array of cartographics to an array of Cartesians.
Name Type Description cartographics
Array.<Cartographic> An array of cartographic positions. result
Array.<Cartesian3> optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Array instance if none was provided.Example:
//Convert an array of Cartographics and determine their Cartesian representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid. var positions = [new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78), 0), new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21.321), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78.123), 100), new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21.645), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78.456), 250) var cartesianPositions = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicArrayToCartesianArray(positions);
Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 335 -
cartographicToCartesian(cartographic, result) → Cartesian3
Converts the provided cartographic to Cartesian representation.
Name Type Description cartographic
Cartographic The cartographic position. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.Example:
//Create a Cartographic and determine it's Cartesian representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid. var position = new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78), 5000); var cartesianPosition = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(position);
Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 305 -
clone(result) → Ellipsoid
Duplicates an Ellipsoid instance.
Name Type Description result
Ellipsoid optional The object onto which to store the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created. Returns:
The cloned Ellipsoid.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 230 -
equals(right) → Boolean
Compares this Ellipsoid against the provided Ellipsoid componentwise and returns
if they are equal,false
otherwise.Name Type Description right
Ellipsoid optional The other Ellipsoid. Returns:
if they are equal,false
otherwise.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 609 -
geocentricSurfaceNormal(cartesian, result) → Cartesian3
Computes the unit vector directed from the center of this ellipsoid toward the provided Cartesian position.
Name Type Description cartesian
Cartesian3 The Cartesian for which to to determine the geocentric normal. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 242 -
geodeticSurfaceNormal(cartesian, result) → Cartesian3
Computes the normal of the plane tangent to the surface of the ellipsoid at the provided position.
Name Type Description cartesian
Cartesian3 The Cartesian position for which to to determine the surface normal. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 282 -
geodeticSurfaceNormalCartographic(cartographic, result) → Cartesian3
Computes the normal of the plane tangent to the surface of the ellipsoid at the provided position.
Name Type Description cartographic
Cartographic The cartographic position for which to to determine the geodetic normal. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 251 -
scaleToGeocentricSurface(cartesian, result) → Cartesian3
Scales the provided Cartesian position along the geocentric surface normal so that it is on the surface of this ellipsoid.
Name Type Description cartesian
Cartesian3 The Cartesian position to scale. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 543 -
scaleToGeodeticSurface(cartesian, result) → Cartesian3
Scales the provided Cartesian position along the geodetic surface normal so that it is on the surface of this ellipsoid. If the position is at the center of the ellipsoid, this function returns undefined.
Name Type Description cartesian
Cartesian3 The Cartesian position to scale. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter, a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided, or undefined if the position is at the center.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 440 -
toString() → String
Creates a string representing this Ellipsoid in the format '(radii.x, radii.y, radii.z)'.
A string representing this ellipsoid in the format '(radii.x, radii.y, radii.z)'.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 620 -
transformPositionFromScaledSpace(position, result) → Cartesian3
Transforms a Cartesian X, Y, Z position from the ellipsoid-scaled space by multiplying its components by the result of
.Name Type Description position
Cartesian3 The position to transform. result
Cartesian3 optional The position to which to copy the result, or undefined to create and return a new instance. Returns:
The position expressed in the unscaled space. The returned instance is the one passed as the result parameter if it is not undefined, or a new instance of it is.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 594 -
transformPositionToScaledSpace(position, result) → Cartesian3
Transforms a Cartesian X, Y, Z position to the ellipsoid-scaled space by multiplying its components by the result of
.Name Type Description position
Cartesian3 The position to transform. result
Cartesian3 optional The position to which to copy the result, or undefined to create and return a new instance. Returns:
The position expressed in the scaled space. The returned instance is the one passed as the result parameter if it is not undefined, or a new instance of it is.Source: Core/Ellipsoid.js, line 576