new WebMercatorProjection
The map projection used by Google Maps, Bing Maps, and most of ArcGIS Online, EPSG:3857. This projection use longitude and latitude expressed with the WGS84 and transforms them to Mercator using the spherical (rather than ellipsoidal) equations.
Name | Type | Argument | Default | Description |
ellipsoid |
Ellipsoid |
<optional> |
Ellipsoid.WGS84 | The ellipsoid. |
<static> MaximumLatitude :Number
The maximum latitude (both North and South) supported by a Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection. Technically, the Mercator projection is defined for any latitude up to (but not including) 90 degrees, but it makes sense to cut it off sooner because it grows exponentially with increasing latitude. The logic behind this particular cutoff value, which is the one used by Google Maps, Bing Maps, and Esri, is that it makes the projection square. That is, the extent is equal in the X and Y directions. The constant value is computed by calling: WebMercatorProjection.mercatorAngleToGeodeticLatitude(Math.PI)
Gets the Ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid The ellipsoid. -
Converts geodetic ellipsoid coordinates, in radians, to the equivalent Web Mercator X, Y, Z coordinates expressed in meters and returned in a Cartesian3. The height is copied unmodified to the Z coordinate.
Name Type Argument Description cartographic
Cartographic The cartographic coordinates in radians. result
Cartesian3 <optional>
The instance to which to copy the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created. Returns:
Cartesian3 The equivalent web mercator X, Y, Z coordinates, in meters. -
Converts Web Mercator X, Y coordinates, expressed in meters, to a Cartographic containing geodetic ellipsoid coordinates. The Z coordinate is copied unmodified to the height.
Name Type Argument Description cartesian
Cartesian2 The web mercator coordinates in meters. result
Cartographic <optional>
The instance to which to copy the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created. Returns:
Cartographic The equivalent cartographic coordinates. -
<static> geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle
Converts a geodetic latitude in radians, in the range -PI/2 to PI/2, to a Mercator angle in the range -PI to PI.
Name Type Description latitude
Number The geodetic latitude in radians. Returns:
Number The Mercator angle. -
<static> mercatorAngleToGeodeticLatitude
Converts a Mercator angle, in the range -PI to PI, to a geodetic latitude in the range -PI/2 to PI/2.
Name Type Description mercatorAngle
Number The angle to convert. Returns:
Number The geodetic latitude in radians.