


The container for all 3D graphical objects and state in a Cesium virtual scene. Generally, a scene is not created directly; instead, it is implicitly created by CesiumWidget.

Name Type Argument Default Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement The HTML canvas element to create the scene for.
contextOptions Object <optional>
undefined Context and WebGL creation properties corresponding to Context#options.
creditContainer HTMLElement <optional>
undefined The HTML element in which the credits will be displayed.
// Create scene without anisotropic texture filtering
var scene = new Cesium.Scene(canvas, {
  allowTextureFilterAnisotropic : false



The background color, which is only visible if there is no sky box, i.e., Scene#skyBox is undefined.
Default Value:


This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.

A function that determines what commands are executed. As shown in the examples below, the function receives the command's owner as an argument, and returns a boolean indicating if the command should be executed.

The default is undefined, indicating that all commands are executed.

// Do not execute any commands.
scene.debugCommandFilter = function(command) {
    return false;

// Execute only the billboard's commands.  That is, only draw the billboard.
var billboards = new Cesium.BillboardCollection();
scene.debugCommandFilter = function(command) {
    return command.owner === billboards;
Default Value:
  • undefined

<readonly> :Object

This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.

When Scene.debugShowFrustums is true, this contains properties with statistics about the number of command execute per frustum. totalCommands is the total number of commands executed, ignoring overlap. commandsInFrustums is an array with the number of times commands are executed redundantly, e.g., how many commands overlap two or three frustums.

Default Value:
  • undefined


This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.

When true, commands are randomly shaded. This is useful for performance analysis to see what parts of a scene or model are command-dense and could benefit from batching.

Default Value:
  • false


This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.

Displays frames per second and time between frames.

Default Value:
  • false


This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.

When true, commands are shaded based on the frustums they overlap. Commands in the closest frustum are tinted red, commands in the next closest are green, and commands in the farthest frustum are blue. If a command overlaps more than one frustum, the color components are combined, e.g., a command overlapping the first two frustums is tinted yellow.

Default Value:
  • false


The far-to-near ratio of the multi-frustum. The default is 1,000.0.
Default Value:
  • 1000.0


The current mode of the scene.
Default Value:


The Moon
Default Value:
  • undefined


The current morph transition time between 2D/Columbus View and 3D, with 0.0 being 2D or Columbus View and 1.0 being 3D.
Default Value:
  • 1.0



The sky atmosphere drawn around the globe.
Default Value:
  • undefined


The SkyBox used to draw the stars.
Default Value:
  • undefined


The Sun.
Default Value:
  • undefined


Uses a bloom filter on the sun when enabled.
Default Value:
  • true



Returns a list of objects, each containing a `primitive` property, for all primitives at a particular window coordinate position. Other properties may also be set depending on the type of primitive. The primitives in the list are ordered by their visual order in the scene (front to back).

Name Type Description
windowPosition Cartesian2 Window coordinates to perform picking on.
DeveloperError : windowPosition is undefined.
Array Array of objects, each containing 1 picked primitives.
var pickedObjects = Cesium.Scene.drillPick(new Cesium.Cartesian2(100.0, 200.0));





Gets state information about the current scene. If called outside of a primitive's update function, the previous frame's state is returned.






Returns an object with a `primitive` property that contains the first (top) primitive in the scene at a particular window coordinate or undefined if nothing is at the location. Other properties may potentially be set depending on the type of primitive.

Name Type Description
windowPosition Cartesian2 Window coordinates to perform picking on.
DeveloperError : windowPosition is undefined.
Object Object containing the picked primitive.