
new Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata()

To construct GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata, call GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata.fromUrl. Do not call the constructor directly.
Provides metadata using the Google Earth Enterprise REST API. This is used by the GoogleEarthEnterpriseImageryProvider and GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainProvider to share metadata requests.


True if imagery is available.
Default Value: true
Key used to decode packets
Exponent used to compute constant to calculate negative height values.
Default Value: 32
Threshold where any numbers smaller are actually negative values. They are multiplied by -2^negativeAltitudeExponentBias.
Default Value: EPSILON12
True if imagery is sent as a protocol buffer, false if sent as plain images. If undefined we will try both.
Default Value: undefined
Dictionary of provider id to copyright strings.
Default Value: {}
Gets the proxy used for metadata requests.
Gets the resource used for metadata requests.
True if terrain is available.
Default Value: true
Gets the name of the Google Earth Enterprise server.


static Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata.fromUrl(resourceOrUrl)Promise.<GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata>

Creates a metadata object using the Google Earth Enterprise REST API. This is used by the GoogleEarthEnterpriseImageryProvider and GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainProvider to share metadata requests.
Name Type Description
resourceOrUrl Resource | String The url of the Google Earth Enterprise server hosting the imagery.
A promise which resolves to the created GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata instance/

static Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata.quadKeyToTileXY(quadkey)

Converts a tile's quadkey used to request an image from a Google Earth Enterprise server into the (x, y, level) position.
Name Type Description
quadkey string The tile's quad key
  • GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata#tileXYToQuadKey

static Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata.tileXYToQuadKey(x, y, level)

Converts a tiles (x, y, level) position into a quadkey used to request an image from a Google Earth Enterprise server.
Name Type Description
x number The tile's x coordinate.
y number The tile's y coordinate.
level number The tile's zoom level.
  • GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata#quadKeyToTileXY
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