3using Unity.Mathematics;
10 [ReinteropNativeImplementation(
"CesiumWgs84EllipsoidImpl.h", staticOnly:
61 public static partial double3
72 public static partial double3
Holds static methods for ellipsoid math and transforming between geospatial coordinate systems using ...
static partial double3 LongitudeLatitudeHeightToEarthCenteredEarthFixed(double3 longitudeLatitudeHeight)
Convert longitude, latitude, and height to Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinates.
static partial double3 EarthCenteredEarthFixedToLongitudeLatitudeHeight(double3 earthCenteredEarthFixed)
Convert Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinates to longitude, latitude, and height.
static partial double3 GetRadii()
Gets the radii of the ellipsoid in its x-, y-, and z-directions.
static double GetMaximumRadius()
Gets the maximum radius of the ellipsoid in any dimension.
static partial? double3 ScaleToGeodeticSurface(double3 earthCenteredEarthFixed)
Scale the given Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed position along the geodetic surface normal so that it is ...
static partial double3 GeodeticSurfaceNormal(double3 earthCenteredEarthFixed)
Computes the normal of the plane tangent to the surface of the ellipsoid at the provided Earth-Center...
static double GetMinimumRadius()
Gets the minimum radius of the ellipsoid in any dimension.