cesium-native 0.44.2
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Cesium3DTilesWriter Namespace Reference

Classes for writing 3D Tiles. More...


class  SchemaWriter
 Writes schemas. More...
struct  SchemaWriterOptions
 Options for how to write a schema. More...
struct  SchemaWriterResult
 The result of writing a schema with SchemaWriter::writeSchema. More...
class  SubtreeWriter
 Writes subtrees. More...
struct  SubtreeWriterOptions
 Options for how to write a subtree. More...
struct  SubtreeWriterResult
 The result of writing a subtree with SubtreeWriter::writeSubtree. More...
class  TilesetWriter
 Writes tilesets. More...
struct  TilesetWriterOptions
 Options for how to write a tileset. More...
struct  TilesetWriterResult
 The result of writing a tileset with TilesetWriter::writeTileset. More...

Detailed Description

Classes for writing 3D Tiles.

--- comment: This file was generated by dep-graph-gen. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! title: Cesium3DTilesWriter Dependency Graph --- graph TD classDef dependencyNode fill:#fff,stroke:#ccc,color:#666,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px classDef libraryNode fill:#9f9,font-weight:bold,font-size:28px Cesium3DTilesWriter[Cesium3DTilesWriter] --> Cesium3DTiles[Cesium3DTiles] Cesium3DTilesWriter[Cesium3DTilesWriter] --> CesiumJsonWriter[CesiumJsonWriter] class Cesium3DTiles,CesiumJsonWriter,Cesium3DTilesWriter libraryNode