


A description of a wall outline. A wall is defined by a series of points, which extrude down to the ground. Optionally, they can extrude downwards to a specified height.

Name Type Argument Default Description
positions Array An array of Cartesian objects, which are the points of the wall.
options.granularity Number <optional>
CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
maximumHeights Array <optional>
An array parallel to positions that give the maximum height of the wall at positions. If undefined, the height of each position in used.
minimumHeights Array <optional>
An array parallel to positions that give the minimum height of the wall at positions. If undefined, the height at each position is 0.0.
ellipsoid Ellipsoid <optional>
Ellipsoid.WGS84 The ellipsoid for coordinate manipulation
var positions = [
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(19.0, 47.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(19.0, 48.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(20.0, 48.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(20.0, 47.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(19.0, 47.0, 10000.0)

// create a wall outline that spans from ground level to 10000 meters
var wall = new WallOutlineGeometry({
    positions : ellipsoid.cartographicArrayToCartesianArray(positions)
var geometry = WallOutlineGeometry.createGeometry(wall);
  • WallGeometry#createGeometry
  • WallGeometry#fromConstantHeight



Computes the geometric representation of a wall outline, including its vertices, indices, and a bounding sphere.

Name Type Description
wallGeometry WallOutlineGeometry A description of the wall outline.
DeveloperError : unique positions must be greater than or equal to 2.
Geometry The computed vertices and indices.


A description of a walloutline. A wall is defined by a series of points, which extrude down to the ground. Optionally, they can extrude downwards to a specified height.

Name Type Argument Default Description
positions Array An array of Cartesian objects, which are the points of the wall.
maximumHeight Number <optional>
A constant that defines the maximum height of the wall at positions. If undefined, the height of each position in used.
minimumHeight Number <optional>
A constant that defines the minimum height of the wall at positions. If undefined, the height at each position is 0.0.
ellipsoid Ellipsoid <optional>
Ellipsoid.WGS84 The ellipsoid for coordinate manipulation
DeveloperError : positions is required.
var positions = [
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(19.0, 47.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(19.0, 48.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(20.0, 48.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(20.0, 47.0, 10000.0),
  Cartographic.fromDegrees(19.0, 47.0, 10000.0)

// create a wall that spans from 10000 meters to 20000 meters
var wall = WallOutlineGeometry.fromConstantHeights({
    positions : ellipsoid.cartographicArrayToCartesianArray(positions),
    minimumHeight : 20000.0,
    maximumHeight : 10000.0
var geometry = WallOutlineGeometry.createGeometry(wall);
  • WallOutlineGeometry#createGeometry