The REST API enables you to to integrate Cesium ion into your own applications and workflows.
When single sign-on authentication is disabled, endpoints work without an access token.
When single sign-on authentication is enabled, all Cesium ion endpoints require an access token provided as a query parameter named access_token
or in the Authorization
header of the request. ion uses the OAuth 2.0 Bearer <access_token>
format and supports the following scopes:
Scope | Description |
assets:read | Read metadata and access the tiled data for individual assets in the account. |
The following scopes provide potentially sensitive information or otherwise allow changes to be made to your account. They should only be used in cases where the token can be kept secret and unavailable to public clients.
Scope | Description |
assets:list | List the metadata for all assets available to the account. |
assets:write | Create, modify, and delete assets in the account. |
profile:read | Read your username, email address, avatar, and storage quota. |
tokens:read | Read token metadata and list all tokens for the account. |
tokens:write | Create, modify, and delete tokens in the account. |
exports:read | List asset exports. |
exports:write | Export assets. |
archives:read | List and download asset archives. |
archives:write | Create and delete asset archives. |
Cesium ion also supports OAuth 2.0 authorizationCode
flow if you want to allow users to bring their own ion account into your application.
Whether you have imagery, terrain, 3D buildings, point clouds, photogrammetry, or one of the many other types of data we support, ion creates what we refer to as an asset.
There are seven types of assets:
Value | Description |
3DTILES | A 3D Tiles tileset |
GLTF | A glTF model |
IMAGERY | An TMS and WMTS compatible imagery layer |
TERRAIN | A quantized-mesh-1.0 terrain tileset |
CZML | A CZML dataset |
KML | A KML or KMZ dataset |
GEOJSON | A GeoJSON dataset |
The Assets API provides a mechanism to discover, create, and stream these assets into your own applications.
Retrieves all available assets, splitting the result across multiple requests using pagination.
After receiving the initial page of assets, you can request the next and previous pages using the RFC 5988 formatted strings contained in the Link
header with the next
and prev
relations. The process of fetching the next page of assets can be repeated until the client receives a response with no link header or no next
relation in the link header, which means all assets have been returned. The link urls should be treated as an opaque link as the actual format may change at any time.
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 1000 Example: limit=50 The maximum numbers of assets to return. Receiving fewer assets should not be interpreted as the end of the collection. The end of the collection is reached when the response does not contain a link header. |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 Example: page=3 The page number. |
search | string Example: search=roads One or more keywords separated by whitespace by which to filter the list of assets. The assets returned will contain each keyword of the search strings in either the name, description, or attribution. |
sortBy | string Default: "id" Enum: "ID" "NAME" "DESCRIPTION" "BYTES" "TYPE" "STATUS" "DATE_ADDED" Example: sortBy=NAME The property by which to sort the results. If undefined, assets are sorted by id. |
sortOrder | string Default: "ASC" Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortOrder=ASC The order in which to sort the results. If undefined, assets are sorted ascending. |
status | Array of strings (AssetStatus) Items Enum: "AWAITING_FILES" "NOT_STARTED" "IN_PROGRESS" "COMPLETE" "ERROR" "DATA_ERROR" Example: status=COMPLETE One or more asset statuses by which to filter the list of assets. If undefined, returns assets with any status. |
type | Array of strings (AssetType) Items Enum: "3DTILES" "GLTF" "IMAGERY" "TERRAIN" "KML" "CZML" "GEOJSON" Example: type=3DTILES One ore more asset types by which to filter the list of assets. If undefined, returns assets of any type. |
link | string An RFC 5988 formatted string with a relation type of |
Array of objects (Asset Metadata) A page of assets. |
{- "items": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "type": "TERRAIN",
- "name": "Cesium World Terrain",
- "description": "High-resolution global terrain tileset curated from several data sources. See the official [Cesium World Terrain]( page for details.",
- "bytes": 0,
- "attribution": "Data available from the U.S. Geological Survey, © CGIAR-CSI, Produced using Copernicus data and information funded by the European Union - EU-DEM layers, Data available from Land Information New Zealand, Data available from, Data courtesy Geoscience Australia",
- "dateAdded": "2019-04-14T15:25:11.030Z",
- "status": "COMPLETE",
- "percentComplete": 100
}, - {
- "id": 92391,
- "type": "3DTILES",
- "name": "My House",
- "description": "First attempt at photogrammetry.",
- "bytes": 28459666,
- "attribution": "",
- "dateAdded": "2019-04-14T15:28:25.435Z",
- "status": "COMPLETE",
- "percentComplete": 100
Uploading data to ion is a four step process:
name required | string (AssetName) The name of this asset. |
description | string (AssetDescription) A Markdown string describing this asset. |
attribution | string (AssetAttribution) A Markdown compatible string containing any required attribution for this asset. Clients will be required to display this attribution to end users. |
type required | string (AssetType) Enum: "3DTILES" "GLTF" "IMAGERY" "TERRAIN" "KML" "CZML" "GEOJSON" This asset's type. |
percentComplete | integer [ 0 .. 100 ] The percentage progress of the tiling pipeline preparing this asset. |
required | object (AssetOptions) Contains options specific to the type of source data being uploaded. |
object (AssetFrom) When supplied, contains options for tiling source files hosted by external services. AWS S3 functionality must be enabled on the server for this option to be available. |
object Contains information required for uploading source data to ion's storage. | |
object Contains information required for notifying ion once all source data has been uploaded. This property is undefined when importing source files from third-party sources. | |
object (Asset Metadata) |
{- "name": "The Earth At Night",
- "description": "The Earth at night, also known as [The Black Marble](",
- "attribution": "[NASA](",
- "type": "3DTILES",
- "options": {
- "sourceType": "string"
{- "assetMetadata": {
- "id": 21111,
- "type": "3DTILES",
- "name": "Reichstag",
- "description": "Example Asset",
- "attribution": "",
- "bytes": 0,
- "dateAdded": "2019-04-19T00:30:54.111Z",
- "status": "AWAITING_FILES",
- "percentComplete": 0
}, - "onComplete": {
- "method": "POST",
- "fields": { }
Retrieves metadata information about a specific asset.
assetId required | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: 3812 The asset identifier on which to perform the operation. |
id | integer (AssetIdentifier) The unique identifier for this asset. | ||||||||||||||
name required | string (AssetName) The name of this asset. | ||||||||||||||
description | string (AssetDescription) A Markdown string describing this asset. | ||||||||||||||
attribution | string (AssetAttribution) A Markdown compatible string containing any required attribution for this asset. Clients will be required to display this attribution to end users. | ||||||||||||||
type required | string (AssetType) Enum: "3DTILES" "GLTF" "IMAGERY" "TERRAIN" "KML" "CZML" "GEOJSON" This asset's type. | ||||||||||||||
bytes | integer >= 0 The number of bytes this asset occupies in the user's account. | ||||||||||||||
dateAdded | string <date-time> The date and time that this asset was created in RFC 3339 format. | ||||||||||||||
status | string (AssetStatus) Enum: "AWAITING_FILES" "NOT_STARTED" "IN_PROGRESS" "COMPLETE" "ERROR" "DATA_ERROR" Describes the state of the asset during the upload and tiling processes:
| ||||||||||||||
percentComplete | integer [ 0 .. 100 ] The percentage progress of the tiling pipeline preparing this asset. | ||||||||||||||
exportable | boolean
{- "id": 3812,
- "name": "The Earth At Night",
- "description": "The Earth at night, also known as [The Black Marble](",
- "attribution": "[NASA](",
- "type": "3DTILES",
- "bytes": 8675309,
- "dateAdded": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "status": "COMPLETE",
- "percentComplete": 100,
- "exportable": true
Updates the name, description, or attribution of an asset. Does not support assets subscribed to from the Asset Depot.
assetId required | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: 3812 The asset identifier on which to perform the operation. |
name | string (AssetName) The name of this asset. |
description | string (AssetDescription) A Markdown string describing this asset. |
attribution | string (AssetAttribution) A Markdown compatible string containing any required attribution for this asset. Clients will be required to display this attribution to end users. |
{- "name": "The Earth At Night",
- "description": "The Earth at night, also known as [The Black Marble](",
- "attribution": "[NASA]("
Retrieves information and credentials that allow you to access the tiled asset data for visualization and analysis.
If you're using ion assets in CesiumJS, there's no need to use this endpoint directly. The CesiumJS API has built in support for ingesting ion assets. Check out the below CesiumJS code examples:
If you're implementing ion asset visualization in a non-CesiumJS rendering engine or application, you'll find the below specifications links useful:
assetId required | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: 3812 The asset identifier on which to perform the operation. |
Archives allow you to make downloadable versions of your assets for offline use or hosting outside of Cesium ion.
With archives you can:
Full asset downloads do not support Asset Depot assets or terrain assets which use a base terrain. Check the archivable property of the asset to detect availability. Full archives are turned off by default and require you to opt into the feature in your values.yaml
Clips support both your assets and most Asset Depot assets, but have additional restrictions:
Individual archives count against your account storage quota. If your account goes over storage quota, additional archives will not be possible without upgrading your plan or deleting existing archives or assets to free up space.
Retrieves all archives
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 1000 Example: limit=50 The maximum numbers of archives to return. Receiving fewer archives should not be interpreted as the end of the collection. The end of the collection is reached when the response does not contain a link header. |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 Example: page=3 The page number. |
search | string Example: search=roads One or more keywords separated by whitespace by which to filter the list of archives. The assets returned will contain each keyword of the search strings in either the archive name, or the asset names. |
sortBy | string Default: "ID" Enum: "ID" "BYTES" "STATUS" "DATE_ADDED" Example: sortBy=BYTES The property by which to sort the results. If undefined, archives are sorted by id. |
sortOrder | string Default: "ASC" Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortOrder=ASC The order in which to sort the results. If undefined, assets are sorted ascending. |
assetId | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: assetId=3812 The asset to find archives for. The returned archives will contain the given asset id. |
clipped | boolean Example: clipped=true Limit to only clipped or unclipped archives. If undefined, include all archives. |
link | string An RFC 5988 formatted string with a relation type of |
Array of objects (Archive Metadata) |
{- "items": [
- {
- "id": 10,
- "name": "Clip of Park",
- "assetIds": [
- 3812,
- 4031
], - "format": "ZIP",
- "clipRegion": [
- -1.3194169616700622,
- 0.6988112052237774,
- -1.319410651520469,
- 0.698813516991245
], - "status": "COMPLETE",
- "bytesArchived": 102463
}, - {
- "id": 12,
- "name": "Courtyard",
- "assetIds": [
- 3813
], - "type": "FULL",
- "format": "ZIP",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "bytesArchived": 17
Creates a new archive.
type | string (ArchiveType) Describes the type of clip region for this archive:
| ||||||||
assetIds | Array of integers (AssetIdentifier) If creating a clipped archive this may be a single 3D Tiles asset, or IMAGERY and TERRAIN asset pair. All assets must be clippable. See the requirements for clipping. For a full archive of a single asset the asset must be marked as archivable. | ||||||||
format | string (ArchiveFormat) Enum: "ZIP" "TILESET" "GLTF" Specifies the format of the archive:
id | integer (ArchiveIdentifier) The unique identifier of this archive. | ||||||||||
name | string | ||||||||||
assetIds | Array of integers (AssetIdentifier) | ||||||||||
format | string (ArchiveFormat) Enum: "ZIP" "TILESET" "GLTF" Specifies the format of the archive:
| ||||||||||
status | string (ArchiveStatus) Enum: "NOT_STARTED" "IN_PROGRESS" "COMPLETE" "ERROR" Describes the state of the asset during the archival processes:
| ||||||||||
bytesArchived | integer >= 0 The total number of bytes of the archive that has been processed. | ||||||||||
type | string (ArchiveType) Describes the type of clip region for this archive:
{- "assetIds": [
- 13123
], - "format": "ZIP",
- "type": "FULL"
{- "id": 12,
- "name": "Courtyard",
- "assetIds": [
- 3813
], - "type": "FULL",
- "format": "ZIP",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "bytesArchived": 17
Retrieves the metadata information about a specific asset archive.
id | integer (ArchiveIdentifier) The unique identifier of this archive. | ||||||||||
name | string | ||||||||||
assetIds | Array of integers (AssetIdentifier) | ||||||||||
format | string (ArchiveFormat) Enum: "ZIP" "TILESET" "GLTF" Specifies the format of the archive:
| ||||||||||
status | string (ArchiveStatus) Enum: "NOT_STARTED" "IN_PROGRESS" "COMPLETE" "ERROR" Describes the state of the asset during the archival processes:
| ||||||||||
bytesArchived | integer >= 0 The total number of bytes of the archive that has been processed. | ||||||||||
type | string (ArchiveType) Describes the type of clip region for this archive:
{- "id": 10,
- "name": "string",
- "assetIds": [
- 3812
], - "format": "ZIP",
- "status": "COMPLETE",
- "bytesArchived": 1024,
- "type": "FULL"
Updates the name of a clipped archive. This is not valid for an archive without a clipRegion.
name required | string The new name of the archive |
{- "name": "string"
The Tokens API provides a mechanism to create and manage access tokens. Access tokens are used to give applications access to your ion account, including access to stream your ion assets.
Every account has a single default token with the assets:read
scope. This token cannot be modified or deleted, and provides read access to all assets associated with that user's ion account.
Retrieves all available tokens, splitting the result across multiple requests using pagination.
After receiving the initial page of tokens, you can request the next and previous pages using the RFC 5988 formatted strings contained in the Link
header with the next
and prev
relations. The process of fetching the next page of tokens can be repeated until the client receives a response with no link header or no next
relation in the link header, which means all tokens have been returned. The link urls should be treated as an opaque link as the actual format may change at any time.
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 1000 Example: limit=50 The maximum numbers of tokens to return. Receiving fewer tokens should not be interpreted as the end of the collection. The end of the collection is reached when the response does not contain a link header. |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 Example: page=3 The page number. |
search | string Example: search=roads One or more keywords separated by whitespace by which to filter the list of tokens. The token name will contain each keyword of the search string. |
sortBy | string Enum: "NAME" "LAST_USED" Example: sortBy=NAME The property by which to sort the results. |
sortOrder | string Default: "ASC" Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortOrder=ASC The order in which to sort the results. If undefined, tokens are sorted ascending. |
link | string An RFC 5988 formatted string with a relation type of |
Array of objects (Token Metadata) A page of tokens. |
{- "items": [
- {
- "id": "58d917ab-f5df-494c-9109-66be3c53219d",
- "name": "An Access Token",
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1OGQ5MTdhYi1mNWRmLTQ5NGMtOTEwOS02NmJlM2M1MzIxOWQiLCJpZCI6MiwiaWF0IjoxNjM0NTcyNTQzfQ.Cf055OJ96fdxw5NIBT0-JwD4aD9HjYQt9bf6CpadOGM",
- "isDefault": false,
- "dateLastUsed": "2021-10-18T15:55:43.977Z",
- "dateAdded": "2021-09-10T18:29:57.583Z",
- "dateModified": "2021-09-11T18:29:57.583Z",
- "scopes": [
- "assets:list",
- "assets:read",
- "assets:write",
- "profile:read"
], - "assetIds": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": "8494d9bc-a0c7-46ac-b0f5-58bdd6a9724a",
- "name": "Another New Token",
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI4NDk0ZDliYy1hMGM3LTQ2YWMtYjBmNS01OGJkZDZhOTcyNGEiLCJpZCI6MiwiaWF0IjoxNjMzOTgyNjk5fQ.JcD0nmNbO-vVQsoa5w8CudbsCeuN1d7Svmy_GzoehHg",
- "isDefault": false,
- "dateLastUsed": "2021-10-11T20:04:59.380Z",
- "dateAdded": "2021-09-09T18:29:57.583Z",
- "dateModified": "2021-09-10T18:29:57.583Z",
- "scopes": [
- "assets:read"
], - "assetIds": [
- 80,
- 98
Add a new token which can be used for making ion API requests.
name | string (TokenName) The name of this token. |
assetIds | Array of integers (TokenAssetIds) The ids of the assets that can be accessed using this token. If undefined, the token can access all assets associated with the account. |
scopes required | string (TokenScopes) Enum: "assets:list" "assets:read" "assets:write" "profile:read" "tokens:read" "tokens:write" Defines the scope of this particular token. |
allowedUrls | Array of arrays (TokenAllowedUrls) The URLs from which this token can be accessed. If undefined, the token can be accessed from any URL. |
object (Token Metadata) |
{- "name": "Token",
- "scopes": [
- "assets:read",
- "profile:read"
], - "assetIds": [
- 98,
- 96,
- 94,
- 89
], - "allowedUrls": [
{- "id": "3171672f-b6a3-43ae-90d5-0d559a7bf73b",
- "name": "Token",
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiIzMTcxNjcyZi1iNmEzLTQzYWUtOTBkNS0wZDU1OWE3YmY3M2IiLCJpZCI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNjM0Njc1OTU0fQ.cRbNs2IKXbvZjVpjWIId3YB3CeppiIQgbR7mZTKC1UI",
- "isDefault": false,
- "dateLastUsed": "2021-10-19T20:39:14.372Z",
- "dateAdded": "2021-10-19T20:39:14.372Z",
- "dateModified": "2021-10-19T20:39:14.372Z",
- "scopes": [
- "assets:read",
- "profile:read"
], - "assetIds": [
- 98,
- 96,
- 94,
- 89
Retrieves metadata for a specific token.
tokenId required | string (TokenIdentifier) Example: a4538dc7-f583-4d9e-889e-35e2db4de534 The unique identifier of the token on which to perform the operation. |
id | string (TokenIdentifier) The unique identifier of this token. |
name | string (TokenName) The name of this token. |
token | string (Token) The access token. |
dateAdded | string <date-time> The date and time that this token was created in RFC 3339 format. |
dateModified | string <date-time> The date and time that this token was last modified in RFC 3339 format. |
dateLastUsed | string <date-time> The date and time that this token was last used in RFC 3339 format. |
assetIds | Array of integers (TokenAssetIds) The ids of the assets that can be accessed using this token. If undefined, the token can access all assets associated with the account. |
isDefault | boolean True if this token is the default token, else false. |
allowedUrls | Array of arrays (TokenAllowedUrls) The URLs from which this token can be accessed. If undefined, the token can be accessed from any URL. |
scopes required | string (TokenScopes) Enum: "assets:list" "assets:read" "assets:write" "profile:read" "tokens:read" "tokens:write" Defines the scope of this particular token. |
{- "id": "a4538dc7-f583-4d9e-889e-35e2db4de534",
- "name": "New Token",
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1OGQ5MTdhYi1mNWRmLTQ5NGMtTEwOS02NmJlM2M1MzIxOWQiLCJpZCI6MiwiaWF0IjoxNjM0NTcyNTQzfQ.Cf055OJ6fdxw5NIBT0-JwD4aD9HjYQt9bf6CpadOGM",
- "dateAdded": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "dateModified": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "dateLastUsed": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "assetIds": [
- 90,
- 98,
- 99,
- 100
], - "isDefault": false,
- "allowedUrls": [
], - "scopes": [
- "profile:read"
Updates the name, scope, or asset ids associated with the token.
tokenId required | string (TokenIdentifier) Example: a4538dc7-f583-4d9e-889e-35e2db4de534 The unique identifier of the token on which to perform the operation. |
name | string (TokenName) The name of this token. |
assetIds | Array of integers (PatchTokenAssetIds) The ids of the assets that can be accessed using this token. Set to |
scopes | string (TokenScopes) Enum: "assets:list" "assets:read" "assets:write" "profile:read" "tokens:read" "tokens:write" Defines the scope of this particular token. |
allowedUrls | Array of arrays (PatchTokenAllowedUrls) The URLs from which this token can be accessed. Set to |
{- "name": "New Token",
- "assetIds": [
- 90,
- 98,
- 99,
- 100
], - "scopes": [
- "profile:read"
], - "allowedUrls": [
Retrieves metadata for the user's default token.
id | string (TokenIdentifier) The unique identifier of this token. |
name | string (TokenName) The name of this token. |
token | string (Token) The access token. |
dateAdded | string <date-time> The date and time that this token was created in RFC 3339 format. |
dateModified | string <date-time> The date and time that this token was last modified in RFC 3339 format. |
dateLastUsed | string <date-time> The date and time that this token was last used in RFC 3339 format. |
assetIds | Array of integers (TokenAssetIds) The ids of the assets that can be accessed using this token. If undefined, the token can access all assets associated with the account. |
isDefault | boolean True if this token is the default token, else false. |
scopes required | string (TokenScopes) Enum: "assets:list" "assets:read" "assets:write" "profile:read" "tokens:read" "tokens:write" Defines the scope of this particular token. |
{- "id": "a4538dc7-f583-4d9e-889e-35e2db4de534",
- "name": "New Token",
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1OGQ5MTdhYi1mNWRmLTQ5NGMtTEwOS02NmJlM2M1MzIxOWQiLCJpZCI6MiwiaWF0IjoxNjM0NTcyNTQzfQ.Cf055OJ6fdxw5NIBT0-JwD4aD9HjYQt9bf6CpadOGM",
- "dateAdded": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "dateModified": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "dateLastUsed": "2019-03-19T13:17:02.838Z",
- "assetIds": [
- 90,
- 98,
- 99,
- 100
], - "isDefault": true,
- "scopes": [
- "profile:read"
Retrieves profile information for the access token currently being used to make API calls.
This route works with any valid token, but additional information is returned if the token use the profile:read
id required | number The unique identifier for this account. |
scopes required | Array of arrays The array of scopes available with this token. |
username | string The account username. |
string The primary email address associated with this account. | |
emailVerified | boolean If true, the email address has been verified for this account. |
avatar | string A url to the profile image associated with this account. |
object Information about the amount of storage available in the user's account. |
{- "id": 212352,
- "scopes": [
- "assets:read",
- "profile:read"
], - "username": "mamato",
- "email": "",
- "emailVerified": true,
- "storage": {
- "used": 214526475,
- "available": 53472564725,
- "total": 53687091200
Retrieves default imagery, terrain and building assets along with quick add assets that can be useful to use within other applications.
This route will always return data, but user subscription information is only returned if there is a token with assets:list
required | object The default assets |
required | Array of objects (Quick Add Assets) The quick add assets |
{- "defaultAssets": {
- "imagery": 2,
- "terrain": 1,
- "buildings": 62
}, - "quickAddAssets": [
- {
- "name": "Cesium World Terrain",
- "objectName": "Cesium World Terrain",
- "description": "High-resolution global terrain tileset curated from several data sources",
- "assetId": 1,
- "type": "TERRAIN",
- "subscribed": true
}, - {
- "name": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "objectName": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "description": "Aerial imagery",
- "assetId": 2,
- "type": "IMAGERY",
- "subscribed": true
}, - {
- "name": "Cesium OSM Buildings",
- "objectName": "Cesium OSM Buildings",
- "description": "A 3D buildings layer derived from OpenStreetMap covering the entire world.",
- "assetId": 96188,
- "type": "3DTILES",
- "subscribed": true
}, - {
- "name": "Cesium World Terrain + Bing Maps Aerial",
- "objectName": "Cesium World Terrain",
- "description": "High-resolution global terrain tileset curated from several data sources textured with Aerial imagery",
- "assetId": 1,
- "type": "TERRAIN",
- "subscribed": true,
- "rasterOverlays": [
- {
- "name": "Bing Maps Aerial",
- "assetId": 2,
- "subscribed": true
Allows you to export the files for a particular asset to an Amazon S3 bucket of your choice. These files can then be hosted through a custom server or downloaded for local/offline use.
The number of bytes exported counts against your monthly streaming quota. If your account goes over streaming quota, additional exports will not be possible until the next billing cycle.
Exports are not supported for certain assets, such as from the Asset Depot or terrain assets which use a base terrain. Check the exportable property of the asset to detect availability.
Retrieves the list of exports for the specified asset.
After receiving the initial page of exports, you can request the next and previous pages using the RFC 5988 formatted strings contained in the Link
header with the next
and prev
relations. The process of fetching the next page of tokens can be repeated until the client receives a response with no link header or no next
relation in the link header, which means all tokens have been returned. The link urls should be treated as an opaque link as the actual format may change at any time.
assetId required | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: 3812 The asset identifier on which to perform the operation. |
link | string An RFC 5988 formatted string with a relation type of |
Array of objects (Export Metadata) |
{- "items": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "assetId": 3812,
- "dateAdded": "2022-09-16T04:06:48.897Z",
- "status": "COMPLETE",
- "bytesExported": "76i2347342",
- "to": {
- "type": "S3",
- "bucket": "myBucket",
- "prefix": "/"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "assetId": 3812,
- "dateAdded": "2022-09-16T04:06:48.897Z",
- "status": "ERROR",
- "bytesExported": 0,
- "to": {
- "type": "S3",
- "bucket": "ion-exports",
- "prefix": "/3812"
Creates a new export. Since this feature requires providing Cesium ion with write access to an S3 bucket in a separate account, we strongly recommend using Temporary security credentials. For security purposes, Cesium ion does not provide a way to retrieve previously specified credentials
assetId required | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: 3812 The asset identifier on which to perform the operation. |
type required | string Value: "S3" Selects which provider the asset is exported to. Only "S3" is currently supported. |
bucket required | string The destination bucket. |
prefix required | string The destination prefix. |
accessKeyId required | string The access key id of the destination bucket. |
secretAccessKey required | string The secret access key of the destination bucket. |
sessionToken | string The session token. Only required when using STS temporary credentials. |
id | integer (ExportIdentifier) The unique identifier of this export. | ||||||||||||
assetId | integer (AssetIdentifier) The unique identifier for this asset. | ||||||||||||
status | string Enum: "NOT_STARTED" "QUEUED" "IN_PROGRESS" "COMPLETE" "ERROR" Describes the state of the export process:
| ||||||||||||
bytesExported | integer >= 0 The total number of bytes that have been exported. | ||||||||||||
dateAdded | string <date-time> The date and time at which this export was added in RFC 3339 format. | ||||||||||||
object Contains information about the type and destination of the export. |
{- "format": "S3",
- "bucket": "destinationBucket",
- "prefix": "destinationPrefix",
- "accessKeyId": "access-key",
- "secretAccessKey": "secret-access-key",
- "sessionToken": "FynJcbN5N//////////wEaDIEDvhx6N7x4Rd4+wiKtAht78S1zVze89DICpOxfnl/7kn7ox75U5hCv+UHlynJcbN5N7roU7iOz0SLbp9RrTrXPlUP0agskLV/5DUKcDId9FnZknDLVW03ajCeJMlzQK7vcxXK359OHp9l6OwLofVkkXH5Pd78vNcLEzqkLytoMRA0BK4wM2bFJySbfo89oUSxpwHXgslmlZtwHYOcVIyEQX1DmtNVi7Jsx6btgaqt+taLScYCWFsOrK+mpJX8vhe9NTd3gXiQ2BG01L9spfYP9iwt8eyjq9UAD9HCaQZrYvhK9JKAwBD81dkpkxpg2PL68d5B+yRBt90NgLgJc31raArGvurz9IAf034znL0IZntK56sKLcIYKEg0OzpybP0a4IqSLtHQDAYlHe7Z66ogDWmRMxLW+g4yiGtwovq3k5QU="
{- "id": 1,
- "assetId": 3812,
- "dateAdded": "2022-09-16T04:06:48.897Z",
- "status": "NOT_STARTED",
- "bytesExported": 0,
- "to": {
- "type": "S3",
- "bucket": "myBucket",
- "prefix": "/"
assetId required | integer (AssetIdentifier) Example: 3812 The asset identifier on which to perform the operation. |
id | integer (ExportIdentifier) The unique identifier of this export. | ||||||||||||
assetId | integer (AssetIdentifier) The unique identifier for this asset. | ||||||||||||
status | string Enum: "NOT_STARTED" "QUEUED" "IN_PROGRESS" "COMPLETE" "ERROR" Describes the state of the export process:
| ||||||||||||
bytesExported | integer >= 0 The total number of bytes that have been exported. | ||||||||||||
dateAdded | string <date-time> The date and time at which this export was added in RFC 3339 format. | ||||||||||||
object Contains information about the type and destination of the export. |
{- "id": 1,
- "assetId": 3812,
- "status": "COMPLETE",
- "bytesExported": 1024,
- "dateAdded": "2022-09-20T16:16:02.838Z",
- "to": {
- "type": "S3",
- "bucket": "string",
- "prefix": "string"