cesium-native 0.45.0
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Cesium Native relies on a number of third-party dependencies. These dependencies are automatically resolved and built using vcpkg at compile time.

Dependency Usage
ada Used to parse and manipulate URIs.
Async++ Used by CesiumAsync for cross-platform concurrency.
Catch2 Test framework used by CesiumNativeTests.
draco Required to decode meshes and point clouds compressed with Draco.
earcut Polygon triangulation library for used by CartographicPolygon.
expected-lite Implementation of the std::expected proposal for returning either an expected value or an error value.
glm C++ mathematics library powering the high-precision math needed for geospatial software.
meshoptimizer Required to decode meshes compressed with meshoptimizer.
httplib Used by CesiumIonClient to interact with the Cesium ion REST API.
Ktx Required to load KTX GPU compressed textures.
libmorton Implementation of Morton codes used for implicit tiling.
libjpeg-turbo Decodes JPEG images.
libwebp Decodes WebP images.
modp_b64 Decodes and encodes base64.
OpenSSL Required by s2geometry, and also used to generate unique authorization tokens for authenticating with Cesium ion.
PicoSHA2 Generates SHA256 hashes for use with the Cesium ion REST API.
RapidJSON For JSON reading and writing.
s2geometry Spatial indexing library designed for geospatial use and required by some tilesets.
spdlog Logging.
sqlite3 Used to cache HTTP responses.
stb_image A simple image loader.
tinyxml2 XML parser for interacting with XML APIs such as those implementing the Web Map Service standard.
zlib-ng An optimized zlib implementation for working with Gzipped data.

The following chart illustrates the connections between the Cesium Native libraries and third-party dependencies: