cesium-native 0.45.0
Cesium Native relies on a number of third-party dependencies. These dependencies are automatically resolved and built using vcpkg at compile time.
Dependency | Usage |
ada | Used to parse and manipulate URIs. |
Async++ | Used by CesiumAsync for cross-platform concurrency. |
Catch2 | Test framework used by CesiumNativeTests. |
draco | Required to decode meshes and point clouds compressed with Draco. |
earcut | Polygon triangulation library for used by CartographicPolygon. |
expected-lite | Implementation of the std::expected proposal for returning either an expected value or an error value. |
glm | C++ mathematics library powering the high-precision math needed for geospatial software. |
meshoptimizer | Required to decode meshes compressed with meshoptimizer. |
httplib | Used by CesiumIonClient to interact with the Cesium ion REST API. |
Ktx | Required to load KTX GPU compressed textures. |
libmorton | Implementation of Morton codes used for implicit tiling. |
libjpeg-turbo | Decodes JPEG images. |
libwebp | Decodes WebP images. |
modp_b64 | Decodes and encodes base64. |
OpenSSL | Required by s2geometry, and also used to generate unique authorization tokens for authenticating with Cesium ion. |
PicoSHA2 | Generates SHA256 hashes for use with the Cesium ion REST API. |
RapidJSON | For JSON reading and writing. |
s2geometry | Spatial indexing library designed for geospatial use and required by some tilesets. |
spdlog | Logging. |
sqlite3 | Used to cache HTTP responses. |
stb_image | A simple image loader. |
tinyxml2 | XML parser for interacting with XML APIs such as those implementing the Web Map Service standard. |
zlib-ng | An optimized zlib implementation for working with Gzipped data. |
The following chart illustrates the connections between the Cesium Native libraries and third-party dependencies: