
new Cesium.TimeInterval(options)

An interval defined by a start and a stop time; optionally including those times as part of the interval. Arbitrary data can optionally be associated with each instance for used with TimeIntervalCollection.
Name Type Description
options Object optional Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
start JulianDate new JulianDate() optional The start time of the interval.
stop JulianDate new JulianDate() optional The stop time of the interval.
isStartIncluded Boolean true optional true if options.start is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded Boolean true optional true if options.stop is included in the interval, false otherwise.
data Object optional Arbitrary data associated with this interval.
// Create an instance that spans August 1st, 1980 and is associated
// with a Cartesian position.
var timeInterval = new Cesium.TimeInterval({
    start : Cesium.JulianDate.fromIso8601('1980-08-01T00:00:00Z'),
    stop : Cesium.JulianDate.fromIso8601('1980-08-02T00:00:00Z'),
    isStartIncluded : true,
    isStopIncluded : false,
    data : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(39.921037, -75.170082)
// Create two instances from ISO 8601 intervals with associated numeric data
// then compute their intersection, summing the data they contain.
var left = Cesium.TimeInterval.fromIso8601({
    iso8601 : '2000/2010',
    data : 2

var right = Cesium.TimeInterval.fromIso8601({
    iso8601 : '1995/2005',
    data : 3

//The result of the below intersection will be an interval equivalent to
//var intersection = Cesium.TimeInterval.fromIso8601({
//  iso8601 : '2000/2005',
//  data : 5
var intersection = new Cesium.TimeInterval();
Cesium.TimeInterval.intersect(left, right, intersection, function(leftData, rightData) {
    return leftData + rightData;
// Check if an interval contains a specific time.
var dateToCheck = Cesium.JulianDate.fromIso8601('1982-09-08T11:30:00Z');
var containsDate = Cesium.TimeInterval.contains(timeInterval, dateToCheck);


static constant Cesium.TimeInterval.EMPTY : TimeInterval

An immutable empty interval.
Gets or sets the data associated with this interval.

readonly isEmpty : Boolean

Gets whether or not this interval is empty.

isStartIncluded : Boolean

Gets or sets whether or not the start time is included in this interval.
Default Value: true

isStopIncluded : Boolean

Gets or sets whether or not the stop time is included in this interval.
Default Value: true
Gets or sets the start time of this interval.
Gets or sets the stop time of this interval.


static Cesium.TimeInterval.clone(timeInterval, result)TimeInterval

Duplicates the provided instance.
Name Type Description
timeInterval TimeInterval optional The instance to clone.
result TimeInterval optional An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.

static Cesium.TimeInterval.contains(timeInterval, julianDate)Boolean

Checks if the specified date is inside the provided interval.
Name Type Description
timeInterval TimeInterval The interval.
julianDate JulianDate The date to check.
true if the interval contains the specified date, false otherwise.

static Cesium.TimeInterval.equals(left, right, dataComparer)Boolean

Compares two instances and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
left TimeInterval optional The first instance.
right TimeInterval optional The second instance.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer optional A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.
true if the dates are equal; otherwise, false.

static Cesium.TimeInterval.equalsEpsilon(left, right, epsilon, dataComparer)Boolean

Compares two instances and returns true if they are within epsilon seconds of each other. That is, in order for the dates to be considered equal (and for this function to return true), the absolute value of the difference between them, in seconds, must be less than epsilon.
Name Type Default Description
left TimeInterval optional The first instance.
right TimeInterval optional The second instance.
epsilon Number 0 optional The maximum number of seconds that should separate the two instances.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer optional A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.
true if the two dates are within epsilon seconds of each other; otherwise false.

static Cesium.TimeInterval.fromIso8601(options, result)TimeInterval

Creates a new instance from a ISO 8601 interval.
Name Type Description
options Object Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
iso8601 String An ISO 8601 interval.
isStartIncluded Boolean true optional true if options.start is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded Boolean true optional true if options.stop is included in the interval, false otherwise.
data Object optional Arbitrary data associated with this interval.
result TimeInterval optional An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
  • DeveloperError if options.iso8601 does not match proper formatting.

static Cesium.TimeInterval.intersect(left, right, result, mergeCallback)TimeInterval

Computes the intersection of two intervals, optionally merging their data.
Name Type Description
left TimeInterval The first interval.
right TimeInterval optional The second interval.
result TimeInterval optional An existing instance to use for the result.
mergeCallback TimeInterval.MergeCallback optional A function which merges the data of the two intervals. If omitted, the data from the left interval will be used.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.TimeInterval.toIso8601(timeInterval, precision)String

Creates an ISO8601 representation of the provided interval.
Name Type Description
timeInterval TimeInterval The interval to be converted.
precision Number optional The number of fractional digits used to represent the seconds component. By default, the most precise representation is used.
The ISO8601 representation of the provided interval.
Duplicates this instance.
Name Type Description
result TimeInterval optional An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.

equals(right, dataComparer)Boolean

Compares this instance against the provided instance componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
right TimeInterval optional The right hand side interval.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer optional A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.
true if they are equal, false otherwise.

equalsEpsilon(right, epsilon, dataComparer)Boolean

Compares this instance against the provided instance componentwise and returns true if they are within the provided epsilon, false otherwise.
Name Type Default Description
right TimeInterval optional The right hand side interval.
epsilon Number 0 optional The epsilon to use for equality testing.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer optional A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.
true if they are within the provided epsilon, false otherwise.


Creates a string representing this TimeInterval in ISO8601 format.
A string representing this TimeInterval in ISO8601 format.

Type Definitions

Cesium.TimeInterval.DataComparer(leftData, rightData)Boolean

Function interface for comparing interval data.
Name Type Description
leftData * The first data instance.
rightData * The second data instance.
true if the provided instances are equal, false otherwise.

Cesium.TimeInterval.MergeCallback(leftData, rightData)*

Function interface for merging interval data.
Name Type Description
leftData * The first data instance.
rightData * The second data instance.
The result of merging the two data instances.