
new Cesium.Viewer(container, options)

A base widget for building applications. It composites all of the standard Cesium widgets into one reusable package. The widget can always be extended by using mixins, which add functionality useful for a variety of applications.
Name Type Description
container Element | String The DOM element or ID that will contain the widget.
options Object optional Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
animation Boolean true optional If set to false, the Animation widget will not be created.
baseLayerPicker Boolean true optional If set to false, the BaseLayerPicker widget will not be created.
fullscreenButton Boolean true optional If set to false, the FullscreenButton widget will not be created.
vrButton Boolean false optional If set to true, the VRButton widget will be created.
geocoder Boolean true optional If set to false, the Geocoder widget will not be created.
homeButton Boolean true optional If set to false, the HomeButton widget will not be created.
infoBox Boolean true optional If set to false, the InfoBox widget will not be created.
sceneModePicker Boolean true optional If set to false, the SceneModePicker widget will not be created.
selectionIndicator Boolean true optional If set to false, the SelectionIndicator widget will not be created.
timeline Boolean true optional If set to false, the Timeline widget will not be created.
navigationHelpButton Boolean true optional If set to false, the navigation help button will not be created.
navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible Boolean true optional True if the navigation instructions should initially be visible, or false if the should not be shown until the user explicitly clicks the button.
scene3DOnly Boolean false optional When true, each geometry instance will only be rendered in 3D to save GPU memory.
clock Clock new Clock() optional The clock to use to control current time.
selectedImageryProviderViewModel ProviderViewModel optional The view model for the current base imagery layer, if not supplied the first available base layer is used. This value is only valid if options.baseLayerPicker is set to true.
imageryProviderViewModels Array.<ProviderViewModel> createDefaultImageryProviderViewModels() optional The array of ProviderViewModels to be selectable from the BaseLayerPicker. This value is only valid if options.baseLayerPicker is set to true.
selectedTerrainProviderViewModel ProviderViewModel optional The view model for the current base terrain layer, if not supplied the first available base layer is used. This value is only valid if options.baseLayerPicker is set to true.
terrainProviderViewModels Array.<ProviderViewModel> createDefaultTerrainProviderViewModels() optional The array of ProviderViewModels to be selectable from the BaseLayerPicker. This value is only valid if options.baseLayerPicker is set to true.
imageryProvider ImageryProvider new BingMapsImageryProvider() optional The imagery provider to use. This value is only valid if options.baseLayerPicker is set to false.
terrainProvider TerrainProvider new EllipsoidTerrainProvider() optional The terrain provider to use
skyBox SkyBox optional The skybox used to render the stars. When undefined, the default stars are used.
skyAtmosphere SkyAtmosphere optional Blue sky, and the glow around the Earth's limb. Set to false to turn it off.
fullscreenElement Element | String document.body optional The element or id to be placed into fullscreen mode when the full screen button is pressed.
useDefaultRenderLoop Boolean true optional True if this widget should control the render loop, false otherwise.
targetFrameRate Number optional The target frame rate when using the default render loop.
showRenderLoopErrors Boolean true optional If true, this widget will automatically display an HTML panel to the user containing the error, if a render loop error occurs.
automaticallyTrackDataSourceClocks Boolean true optional If true, this widget will automatically track the clock settings of newly added DataSources, updating if the DataSource's clock changes. Set this to false if you want to configure the clock independently.
contextOptions Object optional Context and WebGL creation properties corresponding to options passed to Scene.
sceneMode SceneMode SceneMode.SCENE3D optional The initial scene mode.
mapProjection MapProjection new GeographicProjection() optional The map projection to use in 2D and Columbus View modes.
globe Globe new Globe(mapProjection.ellipsoid) optional The globe to use in the scene. If set to false, no globe will be added.
orderIndependentTranslucency Boolean true optional If true and the configuration supports it, use order independent translucency.
creditContainer Element | String optional The DOM element or ID that will contain the CreditDisplay. If not specified, the credits are added to the bottom of the widget itself.
dataSources DataSourceCollection new DataSourceCollection() optional The collection of data sources visualized by the widget. If this parameter is provided, the instance is assumed to be owned by the caller and will not be destroyed when the viewer is destroyed.
terrainExaggeration Number 1.0 optional A scalar used to exaggerate the terrain. Note that terrain exaggeration will not modify any other primitive as they are positioned relative to the ellipsoid.
shadows Boolean false optional Determines if shadows are cast by the sun.
terrainShadows ShadowMode ShadowMode.RECEIVE_ONLY optional Determines if the terrain casts or receives shadows from the sun.
mapMode2D MapMode2D MapMode2D.INFINITE_SCROLL optional Determines if the 2D map is rotatable or can be scrolled infinitely in the horizontal direction.
projectionPicker Boolean false optional If set to true, the ProjectionPicker widget will be created.
  • DeveloperError : Element with id "container" does not exist in the document.
  • DeveloperError : options.imageryProvider is not available when using the BaseLayerPicker widget, specify options.selectedImageryProviderViewModel instead.
  • DeveloperError : options.terrainProvider is not available when using the BaseLayerPicker widget, specify options.selectedTerrainProviderViewModel instead.
  • DeveloperError : options.selectedImageryProviderViewModel is not available when not using the BaseLayerPicker widget, specify options.imageryProvider instead.
  • DeveloperError : options.selectedTerrainProviderViewModel is not available when not using the BaseLayerPicker widget, specify options.terrainProvider instead.
//Initialize the viewer widget with several custom options and mixins.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
    //Start in Columbus Viewer
    sceneMode : Cesium.SceneMode.COLUMBUS_VIEW,
    //Use standard Cesium terrain
    terrainProvider : new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
        url : ''
    //Hide the base layer picker
    baseLayerPicker : false,
    //Use OpenStreetMaps
    imageryProvider : Cesium.createOpenStreetMapImageryProvider({
        url : ''
    // Use high-res stars downloaded from
    skyBox : new Cesium.SkyBox({
        sources : {
          positiveX : 'stars/TychoSkymapII.t3_08192x04096_80_px.jpg',
          negativeX : 'stars/TychoSkymapII.t3_08192x04096_80_mx.jpg',
          positiveY : 'stars/TychoSkymapII.t3_08192x04096_80_py.jpg',
          negativeY : 'stars/TychoSkymapII.t3_08192x04096_80_my.jpg',
          positiveZ : 'stars/TychoSkymapII.t3_08192x04096_80_pz.jpg',
          negativeZ : 'stars/TychoSkymapII.t3_08192x04096_80_mz.jpg'
    // Show Columbus View map with Web Mercator projection
    mapProjection : new Cesium.WebMercatorProjection()

//Add basic drag and drop functionality

//Show a pop-up alert if we encounter an error when processing a dropped file
viewer.dropError.addEventListener(function(dropHandler, name, error) {


allowDataSourcesToSuspendAnimation : Boolean

Gets or sets whether or not data sources can temporarily pause animation in order to avoid showing an incomplete picture to the user. For example, if asynchronous primitives are being processed in the background, the clock will not advance until the geometry is ready.
Gets the Animation widget.

readonlybaseLayerPicker : BaseLayerPicker

Gets the BaseLayerPicker.

readonlybottomContainer : Element

Gets the DOM element for the area at the bottom of the window containing the CreditDisplay and potentially other things.
Gets the camera.

readonlycanvas : Canvas

Gets the canvas.
Gets the Cesium logo element.
Gets the CesiumWidget.
Gets the clock.

clockTrackedDataSource : DataSource

Gets or sets the data source to track with the viewer's clock.

readonlycontainer : Element

Gets the parent container.

readonlydataSourceDisplay : DataSourceDisplay

Gets the display used for DataSource visualization.
Gets the set of DataSource instances to be visualized.
Gets the collection of entities not tied to a particular data source. This is a shortcut to dataSourceDisplay.defaultDataSource.entities.

readonlyfullscreenButton : FullscreenButton

Gets the FullscreenButton.
Gets the Geocoder.
Gets the HomeButton.
Gets the collection of image layers that will be rendered on the globe.
Gets the info box.
Gets the NavigationHelpButton.

readonlyprojectionPicker : ProjectionPicker

Gets the ProjectionPicker.

resolutionScale : Number

Gets or sets a scaling factor for rendering resolution. Values less than 1.0 can improve performance on less powerful devices while values greater than 1.0 will render at a higher resolution and then scale down, resulting in improved visual fidelity. For example, if the widget is laid out at a size of 640x480, setting this value to 0.5 will cause the scene to be rendered at 320x240 and then scaled up while setting it to 2.0 will cause the scene to be rendered at 1280x960 and then scaled down.
Default Value: 1.0
Gets the scene.

readonlysceneModePicker : SceneModePicker

Gets the SceneModePicker.

readonlyscreenSpaceEventHandler : ScreenSpaceEventHandler

Gets the screen space event handler.
Gets or sets the object instance for which to display a selection indicator.

readonlyselectedEntityChanged : Event

Gets the event that is raised when the selected entity chages

readonlyselectionIndicator : SelectionIndicator

Gets the selection indicator.
Get the scene's shadow map

shadows : Boolean

Determines if shadows are cast by the sun.

targetFrameRate : Number

Gets or sets the target frame rate of the widget when useDefaultRenderLoop is true. If undefined, the browser's requestAnimationFrame implementation determines the frame rate. If defined, this value must be greater than 0. A value higher than the underlying requestAnimationFrame implementation will have no effect.
The terrain provider providing surface geometry for the globe.
Determines if the terrain casts or shadows from the sun.
Gets the Timeline widget.
Gets or sets the Entity instance currently being tracked by the camera.

readonlytrackedEntityChanged : Event

Gets the event that is raised when the tracked entity chages

useDefaultRenderLoop : Boolean

Gets or sets whether or not this widget should control the render loop. If set to true the widget will use requestAnimationFrame to perform rendering and resizing of the widget, as well as drive the simulation clock. If set to false, you must manually call the resize, render methods as part of a custom render loop. If an error occurs during rendering, Scene's renderError event will be raised and this property will be set to false. It must be set back to true to continue rendering after the error.
Gets the VRButton.


Destroys the widget. Should be called if permanently removing the widget from layout.

extend(mixin, options)

Extends the base viewer functionality with the provided mixin. A mixin may add additional properties, functions, or other behavior to the provided viewer instance.
Name Type Description
mixin Viewer~ViewerMixin The Viewer mixin to add to this instance.
options Object optional The options object to be passed to the mixin function.

flyTo(target, options)Promise.<Boolean>

Flies the camera to the provided entity, entities, or data source. If the data source is still in the process of loading or the visualization is otherwise still loading, this method waits for the data to be ready before performing the flight.

The offset is heading/pitch/range in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the center of the bounding sphere. The heading and the pitch angles are defined in the local east-north-up reference frame. The heading is the angle from y axis and increasing towards the x axis. Pitch is the rotation from the xy-plane. Positive pitch angles are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. The range is the distance from the center. If the range is zero, a range will be computed such that the whole bounding sphere is visible.

In 2D, there must be a top down view. The camera will be placed above the target looking down. The height above the target will be the range. The heading will be determined from the offset. If the heading cannot be determined from the offset, the heading will be north.

Name Type Description
target Entity | Array.<Entity> | EntityCollection | DataSource | ImageryLayer | Promise.<(Entity|Array.<Entity>|EntityCollection|DataSource|ImageryLayer)> The entity, array of entities, entity collection, data source or imagery layer to view. You can also pass a promise that resolves to one of the previously mentioned types.
options Object optional Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
duration Number 3.0 optional The duration of the flight in seconds.
maximumHeight Number optional The maximum height at the peak of the flight.
offset HeadingPitchRange optional The offset from the target in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the target.
A Promise that resolves to true if the flight was successful or false if the entity is not currently visualized in the scene or the flight was cancelled.
This forces the widget to re-think its layout, including widget sizes and credit placement.


true if the object has been destroyed, false otherwise.
Renders the scene. This function is called automatically unless useDefaultRenderLoop is set to false;
Resizes the widget to match the container size. This function is called automatically as needed unless useDefaultRenderLoop is set to false.

zoomTo(target, offset)Promise.<Boolean>

Asynchronously sets the camera to view the provided entity, entities, or data source. If the data source is still in the process of loading or the visualization is otherwise still loading, this method waits for the data to be ready before performing the zoom.

The offset is heading/pitch/range in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the center of the bounding sphere. The heading and the pitch angles are defined in the local east-north-up reference frame. The heading is the angle from y axis and increasing towards the x axis. Pitch is the rotation from the xy-plane. Positive pitch angles are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. The range is the distance from the center. If the range is zero, a range will be computed such that the whole bounding sphere is visible.

In 2D, there must be a top down view. The camera will be placed above the target looking down. The height above the target will be the range. The heading will be determined from the offset. If the heading cannot be determined from the offset, the heading will be north.

Name Type Description
target Entity | Array.<Entity> | EntityCollection | DataSource | ImageryLayer | Promise.<(Entity|Array.<Entity>|EntityCollection|DataSource|ImageryLayer)> The entity, array of entities, entity collection, data source or imagery layer to view. You can also pass a promise that resolves to one of the previously mentioned types.
offset HeadingPitchRange optional The offset from the center of the entity in the local east-north-up reference frame.
A Promise that resolves to true if the zoom was successful or false if the entity is not currently visualized in the scene or the zoom was cancelled.

Type Definitions

ViewerMixin(viewer, options)

A function that augments a Viewer instance with additional functionality.
Name Type Description
viewer Viewer The viewer instance.
options Object Options object to be passed to the mixin function.