
Determines the action taken based on the result of the stencil test.


staticconstantStencilOperation.DECREMENT :Number

Decrements the stencil buffer value, clamping to zero.

staticconstantStencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP :Number

Decrements the stencil buffer value, wrapping to the maximum unsigned byte instead of going below zero.

staticconstantStencilOperation.INCREMENT :Number

Increments the stencil buffer value, clamping to unsigned byte.

staticconstantStencilOperation.INCREMENT_WRAP :Number

Increments the stencil buffer value, wrapping to zero when exceeding the unsigned byte range.

staticconstantStencilOperation.INVERT :Number

Bitwise inverts the existing stencil buffer value.

staticconstantStencilOperation.KEEP :Number

Does not change the stencil buffer.

staticconstantStencilOperation.REPLACE :Number

Replaces the stencil buffer value with the reference value.

staticconstantStencilOperation.ZERO :Number

Sets the stencil buffer value to zero.