new Scene(options)
parameter details:
The default values are:
webgl : {
alpha : false,
depth : true,
stencil : false,
antialias : true,
premultipliedAlpha : true,
preserveDrawingBuffer : false
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat : true
allowTextureFilterAnisotropic : true
The webgl
property corresponds to the WebGLContextAttributes
object used to create the WebGL context.
defaults to false, which can improve performance compared to the standard WebGL default
of true. If an application needs to composite Cesium above other HTML elements using alpha-blending, set
to true.
defaults to true, which ensures a context is not successfully created
if the system has a major performance issue such as only supporting software rendering. The standard WebGL default is false,
which is not appropriate for almost any Cesium app.
The other webgl
properties match the WebGL defaults for WebGLContextAttributes.
defaults to true, which enables anisotropic texture filtering when the
WebGL extension is supported. Setting this to false will improve performance, but hurt visual quality, especially for horizon views.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
options |
Object |
Object with the following properties:
DeveloperError : options and options.canvas are required.
// Create scene without anisotropic texture filtering
var scene = new Cesium.Scene({
canvas : canvas,
contextOptions : {
allowTextureFilterAnisotropic : false
backgroundColor :Color
The background color, which is only visible if there is no sky box, i.e.,
is undefined.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 319 -
readonlycamera :Camera
Gets the camera.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 547
readonlycanvas :Element
Gets the canvas element to which this scene is bound.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 459
completeMorphOnUserInput :Boolean
Determines whether or not to instantly complete the scene transition animation on user input.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 252 -
debugCommandFilter :function
This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.
A function that determines what commands are executed. As shown in the examples below, the function receives the command's
as an argument, and returns a boolean indicating if the command should be executed.The default is
, indicating that all commands are executed.-
Default Value:
// Do not execute any commands. scene.debugCommandFilter = function(command) { return false; }; // Execute only the billboard's commands. That is, only draw the billboard. var billboards = new Cesium.BillboardCollection(); scene.debugCommandFilter = function(command) { return command.owner === billboards; };
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 368 -
readonlydebugFrustumStatistics :Object
This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.
, this contains properties with statistics about the number of command execute per frustum.totalCommands
is the total number of commands executed, ignoring overlap.commandsInFrustums
is an array with the number of times commands are executed redundantly, e.g., how many commands overlap two or three frustums.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 714 -
debugShowCommands :Boolean
This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.
, commands are randomly shaded. This is useful for performance analysis to see what parts of a scene or model are command-dense and could benefit from batching.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 382 -
debugShowFramesPerSecond :Boolean
This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.
Displays frames per second and time between frames.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 413 -
debugShowFrustums :Boolean
This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use.
, commands are shaded based on the frustums they overlap. Commands in the closest frustum are tinted red, commands in the next closest are green, and commands in the farthest frustum are blue. If a command overlaps more than one frustum, the color components are combined, e.g., a command overlapping the first two frustums is tinted yellow.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 399 -
readonlydrawingBufferHeight :Number
The drawingBufferWidth of the underlying GL context.
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 474 -
readonlydrawingBufferWidth :Number
The drawingBufferHeight of the underlying GL context.
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 489 -
farToNearRatio :Number
The far-to-near ratio of the multi-frustum. The default is 1,000.0.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 339 -
fxaa :Boolean
, enables Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing even when order independent translucency is unsupported.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 431 -
fxaaOrderIndependentTranslucency :Boolean
, enables Fast Aproximate Anti-aliasing only if order independent translucency is supported.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 422 -
globe :Globe
Gets or sets the depth-test ellipsoid.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 516
readonlyimageryLayers :ImageryLayerCollection
Gets the collection of image layers that will be rendered on the globe.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 620
readonlymapProjection :MapProjection
Get the map projection to use in 2D and Columbus View modes.
Default Value:
new GeographicProjection()
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 576 -
readonlymaximumAliasedLineWidth :Number
The maximum aliased line width, in pixels, supported by this WebGL implementation. It will be at least one.
- glGet with
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 504 - glGet with
mode :SceneMode
Gets or sets the current mode of the scene.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 737 -
moon :Moon
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 309 -
morphComplete :Event
The event fired at the completion of a scene transition.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 266 -
morphStart :Event
The event fired at the beginning of a scene transition.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 259 -
morphTime :Number
The current morph transition time between 2D/Columbus View and 3D, with 0.0 being 2D or Columbus View and 1.0 being 3D.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 332 -
readonlypostRender :Event
Gets the event that will be raised at the end of each call to
. Subscribers to the event receive the Scene instance as the first parameter and the current time as the second parameter.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 680 -
readonlypreRender :Event
Gets the event that will be raised at the start of each call to
. Subscribers to the event receive the Scene instance as the first parameter and the current time as the second parameter.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 666 -
readonlyprimitives :PrimitiveCollection
Gets the collection of primitives.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 534
readonlyrenderError :Event
Gets the event that will be raised when an error is thrown inside the
function. The Scene instance and the thrown error are the only two parameters passed to the event handler. By default, errors are not rethrown after this event is raised, but that can be changed by setting therethrowRenderErrors
property.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 652 -
rethrowRenderErrors :Boolean
Exceptions occurring in
are always caught in order to raise therenderError
event. If this property is true, the error is rethrown after the event is raised. If this property is false, therender
function returns normally after raising the event.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 243 -
scene3DOnly :Boolean
Gets whether or not the scene is optimized for 3D only viewing.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 725
readonlyscreenSpaceCameraController :ScreenSpaceCameraController
Gets the controller for camera input handling.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 561
skyAtmosphere :SkyAtmosphere
The sky atmosphere drawn around the globe.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 284 -
skyBox :SkyBox
used to draw the stars.-
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 276 -
sun :Sun
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 292 -
sunBloom :Boolean
Uses a bloom filter on the sun when enabled.
Default Value:
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 300 -
readonlyterrainProvider :TerrainProvider
The terrain provider providing surface geometry for the globe.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 633
Instantly completes an active transition.Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1592
destroy() → undefined
Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object. Destroying an object allows for deterministic release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.
Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other thanisDestroyed
will result in aDeveloperError
exception. Therefore, assign the return value (undefined
) to the object as done in the example.Returns:
DeveloperError : This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
scene = scene && scene.destroy();
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1663 -
drillPick(windowPosition) → Array.<Object>
Returns a list of objects, each containing a `primitive` property, for all primitives at a particular window coordinate position. Other properties may also be set depending on the type of primitive. The primitives in the list are ordered by their visual order in the scene (front to back).
Name Type Description windowPosition
Cartesian2 Window coordinates to perform picking on. Returns:
Array of objects, each containing 1 picked primitives.Throws:
DeveloperError : windowPosition is undefined.
var pickedObjects = Cesium.Scene.drillPick(new Cesium.Cartesian2(100.0, 200.0));
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1542 -
isDestroyed() → Boolean
Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other thanisDestroyed
will result in aDeveloperError
if this object was destroyed; otherwise,false
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1642 -
Asynchronously transitions the scene to 2D.
Name Type Default Description duration
Number 2.0
optional The amount of time, in seconds, for transition animations to complete. Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1600 -
Asynchronously transitions the scene to 3D.
Name Type Default Description duration
Number 2.0
optional The amount of time, in seconds, for transition animations to complete. Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1624 -
Asynchronously transitions the scene to Columbus View.
Name Type Default Description duration
Number 2.0
optional The amount of time, in seconds, for transition animations to complete. Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1612 -
pick(windowPosition) → Object
Returns an object with a `primitive` property that contains the first (top) primitive in the scene at a particular window coordinate or undefined if nothing is at the location. Other properties may potentially be set depending on the type of primitive.
Name Type Description windowPosition
Cartesian2 Window coordinates to perform picking on. Returns:
Object containing the picked primitive.Throws:
DeveloperError : windowPosition is undefined.
Source: Scene/Scene.js, line 1490 -