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Cesium Release Roundup March 2021

CesiumJS 1.79 is now available. Highlights of the release include:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented use of the full CesiumJS zip release package in a Node.js application.
  • Fixed an issue where certain inputs to EllipsoidGeodesic would result in a surfaceDistance of NaN.
  • Fixed sampleTerrain and sampleTerrainMostDetailed not working for ArcGISTiledElevationTerrainProvider.
  • Removed an unnecessary matrix copy each time a Cesium3DTileset is updated.

See the changelog for a full list of updates and links to the discussion & code on each one. You can also subscribe to the CesiumJS release thread on our community forum to get notifications about our monthly releases.

Powered by Cesium

In January, Virgin Orbit used Cesium to track their first successful launch delivering 10 CubeSats into orbit. Virgin Orbit’s novel approach uses Cosmic Girl, a Boeing 747, as a launch platform to deliver small satellites to space. They use Cesium for live tracking of both the plane and the rocket that launches from Cosmic Girl.

Cosmic Girl and LauncherOne flight paths.

We’re proud to see Cesium’s high precision supporting a system that promises much more flexibility in delivering satellites to their intended orbit.