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Experience the Sensation of Flight on Your Mobile Device with Soarer

As a kid, D.T.C. Wee, the developer ofSoarer, dreamed of flight. He devoured PC flight sims, from Microsoft’s in the ’80s to the more recentGEFS(another fine Cesium application). But he wanted a more visceral experience, to point somewhere and fly there within seconds. No worrying about stalling, instrumentation, or atmospherics.

Timely advances in technology enabled him to develop the flight experience he’d dreamed of. Simply put, Soarer is Cesium with tilt controls. On top of the full range of Cesium’s imagery library, features include a dynamic day/night cycle, compatibility from Android Chrome to iOS Safari, supplementary keyboard controls, and VR mode through Google Cardboard.

He appreciated Cesium’s comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and samples and was relieved to develop with new device orientation browser standards (i.e., Javascript) as opposed to a more demanding native app platform (e.g., Android). The screenshots above are from iPad and Samsung Galaxy S3.